
How to get rid of warts?

Wart anatomy Warts a re normally not harmful and frequently go away on their own with time, but they are unattractive, and some, like those on the bottoms of the feet, can hurt when you walk or exercise. Wart removal can be difficult, but fortunately, the least invasive procedures work best. The epidermis, the top layer of skin, is where warts develop. The surface of a wart is typically elevated and rough. (Some may be flat and smooth, such as those on the face.) There may be dark spots in the core of a wart; these are its blood capillaries. What are warts anyway? Human papillomavirus infection causes abnormally rapid growth of skin cells, which results in warts (HPV). About 10 of the 150 HPV strains, including common, plantar, and flat warts, are responsible for cutaneous (skin) warts (see "Common types of skin warts," below). Anal warts and genital warts are caused by specific other strains.  The HPV strains that produce skin warts have rarely been associated with cancer, a